The 14 Best & Worst Political Ads of All Time

Political campaign ads have become an integral part of modern election campaigns, shaping public opinion and influencing voters across the political spectrum. While some of these ads are powerful and effective in conveying the candidate’s message, others take a more unconventional route, aiming for humor or shock value. In the realm of political advertising, there exists a spectrum ranging from the poignant and thought-provoking to the downright outrageous.

As an ad-blocking company, we couldn’t simply overlook the hotbed of the worst political ads of all time, especially with the upcoming 2024 elections on the horizon. At the end of this article, we’ll present our candidate, AdLock, who will help you hide from those clingy commercials when they get on your last nerve. 

Top 14 Worst and Funniest Political Ads in The USA

Our list starts with mostly light-hearted, funny political ads and will gradually descend to worse campaigns and finish with startling advertisements that make you question their creators’ sanity.  

14. Demon Sheep (2010), Carly Fiorina

We’re opening our list with the best bad political ad that comes to mind. It’s a charming creation of Carly Fiorina, a Republican Senate candidate in California. A released ad featured a person in a sheep costume with red, glowing eyes, intended to portray her opponent, Tom Campbell, as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” But he’s not actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing but a glowing-eyed “demon sheep.”

13. Rock (2008), Mike Gravel

It’s my all-time favorite political ad from the 2008 presidential race. In this ad, a Democratic candidate, Mike Gravel, silently stares deep into your soul for one minute, then turns around, throws a rock in the river, and walks away. No word dropped from his lips. The unusual campaign has spawned dozens of insinuations on the actual meaning of the silent spectacle. According to Gravel himself, he didn’t really understand it either, but the rock throwing in the water “was a metaphor for causing ripples and changes in society.” Among the bad campaign ads, this one shines like a diamond. 

12. Joe Exotic for President! 2016

Joe Exotic, a former zookeeper and the central figure in the Netflix documentary series “Tiger King,” ran an unconventional and humorous presidential campaign in 2016. Despite being an independent candidate, he garnered attention with his quirky campaign ads and colorful personality. His platform included promises of legalizing marijuana and reducing government spending, but his campaign was largely seen as a satirical commentary on the political process. Joe Exotic’s campaign may not have been a serious contender, but it left a memorable mark in the realm of unconventional political campaigns.

11. Celeb (2008), John McCain

McCain’s “Celeb” ad, often dubbed the “Paris Hilton” ad, compared Barack Obama to popular celebrities like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. The ad insinuated that Obama was more interested in fame than leadership. Critics argued that this ad detracted from substantive policy discussions, focusing on personality rather than the issues at hand. The ad ultimately failed to dent Obama’s popularity and backfired on McCain, earning Barak even more points and making a way to get in the list of bad political ads. 

10. Big Bird (2012), Barak Obama

Obama’s “Big Bird” snarky ad from the 2012 election featured the iconic character from Sesame Street, Big Bird, to criticize Mitt Romney’s stance on public funding, particularly his statement about cutting funding to PBS. While it may have seemed light-hearted, it was a pointed commentary on Romney’s proposed budget cuts, sparking a conversation about government funding and its role in supporting educational programs like Sesame Street. The ad was criticized for trivializing serious political issues and unauthorized usage of Big Bird’s image that belonged to Sesame Workshop.

9. I’m Not a Witch (2010), Christine O’Donnell

In this ad, Christine O’Donnell, a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Delaware, addresses rumors that she once dabbled in witchcraft. The rumors originate from the clip from Oct. 29, 1999, on Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect show, where he invited Christine after she won the Delaware Republican primary. In the ad, Christine O’Donnell asserts, “I’m not a witch. I’m nothing you’ve heard. I’m you.” Seeing a Senate candidate still making excuses for something they did years ago as a teen makes you clench your teeth.

8. 3 Am Call (2008), Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s “3 AM” ad during the 2008 presidential campaign stirred both attention and controversy. The ad, set in the dead of night, depicted kids asleep with a phone ringing in the White House in the background. The narrator questioned who should answer it when a crisis unfolds. While intended to highlight Clinton’s readiness for leadership, the ad faced criticism for fear-mongering and exploiting national security concerns. Critics argued that it played on anxieties to win votes, ultimately sparking debate about the ethics of using such imagery in political advertising, and reflecting how campaign ads can influence public opinion.

7. These Hands (2012), Mitt Romney

The Romney presidential ad exploited an out-of-context quote from President Obama during a speech in Roanoke, Virginia, where he emphasized the role of collective effort and government in supporting individual success. The president stated, “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that,” referring to infrastructure like roads and bridges. Romney’s campaign extracted this phrase, distorting its meaning. In a TV ad, they featured a New Hampshire businessman, suggesting that Obama implied business owners didn’t build their companies. This controversy highlights the use of selective editing in political campaigns, emphasizing the importance of accurate representation in political discourse. Another big oh happened when it turned out that a “self-made man” from his election commercials received millions in governmental loans. Oopsie. 

6. Rats (2000), George Bush

The controversial “Rats” ad from George W. Bush’s campaign against Al Gore centered on the issue of prescription drug coverage for seniors. The word “RATS” appeared on the screen for a split second, followed by the full word “bureaucrats.” The vice president expressed disappointment with the ad to reporters, emphasizing that he had “never seen anything quite like it.” Though Bush dismissed the notion that the word was intentionally put there, the ad still sparked a debate about the boundaries of fair campaign tactics and earned a spot in a list of worst campaign ads. 

5. Convention (1968), Richard Nixon

This controversial Nixon ad, created by Eugene Jones, aired just before the election. It featured a collage of Vietnam, riots, poverty, and Humphrey at the Democratic convention, set to “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight.” Aired during NBC’s Laugh-In, it confused viewers who thought it was part of the show. The Nixon campaign initially pulled it due to protests but later gained free airtime when covered by The Huntley-Brinkley Report. Nixon, influenced by his 1960 debate performance, carefully controlled his 1968 TV appearances, avoiding debates and using one-minute spot commercials to convey his campaign themes: Vietnam, law and order, race, and the economy.

4. You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America (2020), Donald J. Trump

During the 2020 presidential race, Donald Trump released a series of his presidential campaign ads united by the theme of defunding the police. Those ads falsely portrayed the Democratic Party and Trump’s rival, Joe Biden, as advocating for the complete removal of police forces, which was not their stance. The ad exploited a serious issue for political gain, sowing discord and misinforming the public. It oversimplified a complex debate on police reform and racial justice. Such tactics undermine constructive dialogue and spread fear and panic, ultimately hindering progress on vital societal issues.

3. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (2004)

This one takes third place in our worst political ads list. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads made several unsubstantiated claims, including questioning John Kerry’s accounts of his military service in Vietnam, alleging that he exaggerated his achievements, and insinuating that he did not deserve his combat medals. These claims were later debunked and disproven by military records and eyewitness testimonies, but the damage was already done as the controversy had a lasting impact on public perception during the 2004 election.

2. Willie Horton (1988), George H.W. Bush

The George H.W. Bush campaign ran an ad highlighting the case of Willie Horton, a convicted murderer who committed crimes while on furlough. Critics argued that the ad played on racial fears and portrayed African Americans as criminals, which left scars that are still raw. The Black population thought the campaign promoted further race-driven politics and placed Democrats in a precarious position. This compelled them to prioritize demonstrating their stance on crime, often at the cost of a generation of African-American individuals who were incarcerated due to stricter sentencing laws.  But however insensitive this ad is, it’s only the second worst political ad on our list. 

1. Daisy Girl (1964), Lyndon B. Johnson

This Lyndon B. Johnson campaign ad famously featured a little girl picking petals from a daisy, counting numbers, and then a countdown to a nuclear explosion. It was seen as fearmongering and exploiting the threat of nuclear war during the Cold War. This ad was my wildest discovery, especially considering the current political climate. And this is how Lyndon B. Johnson won his presidential title in life and the title of creator of the worst political ad ever in our article. 

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Final Thoughts

In the colorful tapestry of American politics, we’ve witnessed some unforgettable political ads. From the hilariously absurd Demon Sheep to the manipulative nuclear threat, political advertisements have left their mark on election history. While some were criticized for their misleading claims or bizarre presentations, others brought comic relief to the campaign trail. As the political landscape continues to evolve, these memorable ads serve as a testament to the power of media and the enduring creativity of political strategists. Thankfully, we live in a digital age, where ad-blockers like AdLock offer us the choice of whether to engage with such content, highlighting the importance of a personalized online experience.

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Anton Minaev

Anton Minaev

UI/UX designer, Fullstack developer, Nerdy-beardy guy loved by everyone

Anton codes, creates outstanding product designs, builds servers, deploys services, assembles pilot dash panels, and writes technical articles for the AdLock blog.